
By Pastor Elijah Mutiso
Associate Pastor, Fedha Church KAG

I thought we should stop dancing, shouting, being spiritual and discuss about real life issues.
Jeremiah 9;21 says death has come in through our windows and entered our palaces; it has cut down the children in the streets and the young men in the market places.
·  Malachi 2.15: - Godly seed.
·  Proverbs 22;6 - Train up a child on the way to go.
·  There is an Age you speak to your kids as they listen, then an age you converse with your child then an age they talk to you as you listen.
·  African proverb; - a tree is bent while young and soft.
·  We are supposed to pass to the next generation the knowledge and culture of salvation (Psalms 71.18- David’s prayer.)
2 Timothy 1;5; - Timothy is passed on his grandmother's faith.
There are things that are not taught but are caught. Your children will do what they see you do not what you tell them to do. Your child is an extension of you
We are busy looking for good schools but no one is concerned about their character, they are sharp and genius upstairs but immoral and deteriorated in behaviour, a cert can give you a job but character will not give a promotion.
1 Sam 2.12 –Eli’s sons.
1 Sam 8;1 Samuel’s sons.
Your responsibility as a parent isn’t done when your kid has a big pot belly dressed well but when they have something that will outlive you in their lives. Teach them to talk to God.
 I don’t fear old people but i fear small kids because you don’t know wat they will be. 85% of American prisoners are of absent parenthood.
 If you don’t teach your kids, there are people ready to do that on your behalf. Media. (Cartoons, soap operas, movies.) We have one of the most intelligent brains in our houses. They are easy to adapt and copy. Muslim agenda to convert our kids.
90% of 2 yrs can use a phone at ease and end up phone addicts by 4 yrs. old
We are living in an I.T generation.
Things are not just happening we have big brains behind screens in everything. Programmed television shows.

Jeremiah 9; 20
Titus 2;3-5: -
Never tell your daughters all men are dogs and expect one day to bring you a son in-law because he will bring you a dog. We don’t have a problem dressing them spaghetti while at 6 but when at 25 and she wears the same she’s pervert.
We should raise our gals in the knowledge of
·  Being a woman doesn’t qualify you to marry you have to be a wife i.e. Esther was a lady, beautiful but had to be processed through 3 months undergoing body spices,3 months of oil smearing,6 months of a one-day encounter and its night.
·  When you marry a non-believer the devil becomes your father in-law.
·  where you met your fiancĂ© will always be the reference point.
·  You can never manage a man or a woman but his maker can
·  God doesn't go into business he never began.
·  If you leave a man of vision for a man with a television you will watch a vision man in your television.
·  Wife material doesn’t look what the man drives but what drives the man
If you are raising a boy you have to know you are raising someone’s husband so raise him up as you would your husband. Single mothers Stop bringing up our boys like your daughters, men are built to be hard not to be nagged. We have irresponsible, unaccountable, liars and house.

We raise girls mentoring them to be wives, (they play house every day, watching soaps and have a romantic environment) but there's no one to raise boys as men (no one to show a boy how to treat a woman but how to beat, misuse, mistreat his wife.) We are busy raising monsters and wife molesters, feminists and men haters while God gave you an assignment to bring up a Godly seed (father advising his son to have girlfriends)
·  Every father Is a guide to a boy of who they will become. a mirror through which a boy sees who they will be and so they need a figure that will look back and see they boy they were and purpose to change their sons to be a better man than they were. Men to tell our boys you don’t waste money we save money, keep your sexuality for your wife, a man plans his life because failure to plan is to plan to fail. Men ready to tell our boys of their mistakes because real strength of a man is in realizing his weakness.
·  The devil is after killing the manhood (Authority, power, priesthood) it has always been against male boy child i.e. Jesus’ time, Moses time. Devil knows if he kills a man he leaves you frustrated, raise fatherless girls, be a widow and live to regret the presence of a man that was once in your life.
·  There is a king in every kid i.e. David was a kid that God intended to make a king and thus Samuel had a hard a time looking for a king in jesses house. David wasn’t jesses fav thus suffered the fatherly mentorship and the results are seen in his own children.
·  when someone sees the king in you they make you control the kid in you.
Types of fathers
Passive fathers i.e. Eli. Your presence is resemblance of authority, don’t beat but act. A child you don’t scream at becomes rotten.Prov.13.24 - He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.
Permissive fathers. Ignorant. careless with children lifestyle. Jairus for his daughter Matt 5.1, Moses too involved in ministry, Billy Graham thought he could preach to the whole world but now old wishes he spend time with family.
Acting fathers. present, share dreams with children, create relationship with kids. No perfect fathers but great fathers. Your greatest gift to your kids is to honour their mother, show respect to womanhood, children are always watching.

Every parent ought to
·  Be the first pastor, priest, example, evangelist to every kid.
·  Instill spiritual values- prayers, study and family meeting once in a week.
·  Instill moral values- inside every child are values that must be corrected, to discipline isn’t to punish.
·  Speaking into the child’s life from womb, to breastfeeding (scientist have proven the fetus can hear.)
·  Teach responsibilities Spoil children by giving all work to house helps, you raising your house helps but killing your own.
·  Nature self-esteem and confidence. Avoid to rebuke them b4 their peers, call them fools and negative names. Mind what you speak to your children’s life they graduate to be strongholds in their lives.
·  Be involved in their Poor academic performance, show concern and care.

King Uzziah
2nd Chronicles 26.
1.    Kingmakers: - people placed in the right place for our kids, better jobs, business. Our maximum shall be our kid’s minimum
2.Kids will make it on time, marry, increase. Curse spirit of delay.
3.God send profitable relationships. Your crowd determines your crown. Bad company spoils good morals, birds of a feather flock together. Jonathan gave all to David. Send unusual help and helpers to us and kids.
4.Marry right. Want marry their enemies and your enemies. I.e. a Bishop Madubuko married a witch.
5.They will finish well. They won’t walk into trouble; every trap they will escape. They will be arrows in your hands not in your heart. I.e. Eli’s sons.
6.In every market there three kinds of people. Sellers, buyers and passersby. Kids to sells right goods, buy right goods and never be spectators of life
7.You shall not labour in vain Hebrews 11.11 Sarah labored but when Isaac married Sarah was in the grave. Rachael toiled to get Joseph but on the day of success the mother was dead. On your day of joy no one will represent you. After the struggle to bring up you will cry tears of joy. Walk your sons and daughters down the aisle.
8.Deliver my children from expectations of the envious.
