God of Times and Seasons - Part 3, August 28, 2022

By Pastor Elijah Mutiso

Associate Pastor, Fedha Church KAG 

Psalms 90:12 NKJV

So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Morning days: First 25 years of a man's life. Trial and error days, options to explore from. Find God here, be filled with the Holy Ghost, and find divine connections for destiny. i.e Jesus at 12 yrs familiarised with his destiny

Afternoon days: 25-50 yrs  Midlife crisis second chance and no options to choose from. Life begins at 40, days of making big wins and steps, days of investments and making your life. You can't be in this gap and sleeping 8-10 hrs a day like you competing with an old man then you expect to be relevant in your next gap. Avoid 'I have arrived' syndrome at this stage.

Evening days: 50-75 years. Legacy stage. Old age (retired) days of life reviews and regrets, mistakes you made tend to catch up with you. For example, David and Solomon. Build an institution that will live your name, we measure your success of those who come after you can follow your steps and succeed.

Days of Rest: 75 yrs and above. Days of bonus. You sit and wait for your grave while you empty.

Seven years of plenty

Are Seasons of ease, abundance, and opportunities. i.e build yourself, know God, and maximise destiny.

There are opportunities that surface up at certain ages Genesis 41:46 - Joseph was 30 years.

There are people who have ignored the advice of Joseph and when seasons change they have nothing to show or to be .i.e politicians who were mark of honour but lacked to understand season and now they are nobodies bcz they ddnt bring up or mentor young brains when going up.

In this season observe the following

Build your capacity. 2 Kings 4:1 - it takes great oil and many vessels to make profit. In careers we have seasons of getting papers and Seasons of getting experience and season of building careers

Build relationships - pray for destiny r/ships Be careful with people you tags along in your journey of life. Let ppl qualify to be associate with you. Dnt trust every person who celebrate you ..

Invest in blessing and transforming life's of others: 1st Samuel 22:2 David became a captain of nobodies but in 2 sam 23:8  they were his warrior,loyal men that could die for him. Dnt expect loyalty in no one u ddnt invest in. Be there in men's dark days for them to be there in your days. Visionary leaders don't keep fun but they turn fans into leaders. Not all come back but dnt worry you reap what you sow not whom you sowed. It's better to be kind than right., Right doesn't not alws mean success but kindness does.

Study and carefully follow who have maintained relevance over time. Hebrews 6:12 . When you stand before greatness don't contribute but listen. The difference between a fool and a wise man is the ability to learn. Wise learn but fools compete.

Seven years of famine

Represent years of constrain,inconvience,scarcity.

Have you seen old men walk alone in old age with no to help and keep them and the qtn happens what happened in their days of influence? Years are able to eat up years.

Could you be reaping your harvest in your days..They mistreated and took advantage people or even  your children when young only for them to grow up bitter and hateful.

Wisdom dectates everytime you find yourself on a stage you better realise someone was there before you came and you are going to join them in the backstage but what you do on the stage right now will determine what the audience will remember you for. i.e Reinhard Bonke, Billy Graham

Nothing as bad as to be a reference point and a terrible warning to a generation that is coming up while you still alive.

Everytime you see rainy season,it comes with a letter from the dry season that it's coming for you to prepare yourself.

Every season comes with manufacturers date as well as expiry date . Best before to determine its consumption time Gen 41:53.
