The Latter Glory, April 10, 2022

By Sis. Leah Mwangi

Wanawake Wakristo Wakenya (WWK) Sunday

Fedha Church KAG

Haggai 2:9


This has been a Spiritual phrase that believers have been using over time but yet we have not seen it yielding much in the body of Christ. Why?

Let's get to understand;

The first organization that God put in place is the family. He blessed it and Ordained it.

Gen 1:28. This is where the latter glory should start.

The blessings we are enjoying today are a result of a family that had a wonderful relationship with God ( Abraham and Sarah).

Esther saved her tribe by obtaining favour from her husband - Esther 3.

Ruth 1:6-7 -Ruth entered her destiny because of the blessings from her mother in law.

Priscilla and Aquila - This was a couple who were serving the Lord together with Apostle Paul (Romans 16:3)

How will you know that your family is experiencing the Glory of God?

If the family is not bearing the fruits of the Holy Spirit outlined in Galatians 5:22-23, that means the Holy Spirit of God does not exist in that family hence no presence of God and the family is short of the glory of God.

Family is where the glory of God should start as it spills over to the Body of Christ.

After you have put your house in order, the Glory of God starts manifesting in the second set-up (the body of Christ).

The body has many parts - these are different ministries - God will manifest His Glory in the area He has assigned you as an individual.

 And so you are the latter church, I am the latter church that God will manifest His latter Glory

The first step is to ask God for divine positioning

In regard to this, we can see God manifesting His Power and Glory through individuals in their different areas of service examples Deborah Judges 4.

Elijah- 1 King 17

Esther - Esther 3

Elisha- 2 Kings

Dorcus Acts 9:36 - 42

Apostle Paul

What made these individuals experience the Glory and the Power of God in a Mighty way?/ What Brings the Glory of God in someone's life?

*These people demonstrated common characteristics.

1.  Available vessels for use by God ( verse 4)

- You will only experience the Glory and the Power of God when you are at service

1 Kings 19: 19-21

Judges 4: 7-9

2. Determination and hard work

-Elisha and Elijah 2 Kings 2

Elisha could not listen to the prophet on the way, his focus was on getting double portion Annoiting from Elijah and nothing could deter him

This is also was demonstrated by the three disciples of Jesus i.e Peter, John and James

3. Spending quality time in His presence

The more you spend time with someone the more you become like him / her

Reflecting on the call of Elisha of becoming a Prophet ( 2 Kings 2)

Spending time with the Lord changes one from ordinary to extraordinary ( Acts 4:13, Colossians 3:10)

Romans 13:14- clothing yourself with Christ

4. Being Royal to God and passionately Loving Him

Psalms 69:9

First, you should understand who you are  *1Peter 2:9

Royalty means - standing by the principles of the Kingdom, upholding dignity and sovereignty of the Kingdom, no compromise.

This boosts the confidence you have in the Lord and thus exercising your Faith ( Elijah at Mt Carmel 1 Kings 18 ; David and Goliath 1 Samuel 17;  Paul angered by Galatians  Galatians 1:6-10

5: The Holy Spirit is at work

Why are we called the Pentecostal Church?

Acts 2:1-4

Why will this latter church have more Glory than the former? does it mean that we are holier than our forefathers? It is because we are living in the Holy Ghost dispensation

Act 2:17-19

Conclusion: The Holy Spirit of God will help us in all areas. Let us allow Him to be at work in us and thus we shall experience the Glory of God in these latter days
