Leviticus 2 – The Grain Offerings, August 22, 2021

By Rev. Michael Mwangi

Senior Pastor, Fedha Church KAG

The grain offering was distinct from any other offering. And here is its uniquenes- this is the only offering in which there is no shedding of blood. Now why is that significant? Well, the Bible tells us that Heb 9:22 “without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.” The grain offering had some other purpose than dealing with sin thus it was bloodless. 


The children of Israel were in the wilderness for forty years. In the wilderness, they weren’t growing any crops. God gave them manna from every day in the wilderness to eat. God provided for them for forty years. When they entered the land of promise, the manna stopped. After forty years of doing no farming, they had to cultivate the land, plant crops, wait for the growth of the crop, harvest their crop. Then they were to bring a portion of that labour, a portion of that harvest to the Lord. A part of it would be thrown on the altar.  And it would be burnt on the altar and the rest of it would be eaten by the priest.

Here is the picture...

In the burnt offerings the worshipper would bring himself to the Lord to be totally consumed. In the grain offerings, the worshipper would bring his labour to the Lord. That means that worship is relevant to vocation, work or career or business. For the student-your studies,

for the employee or employer -  the specific job that you do at work, for the mom - your housework,or the athlete - your practice and your performance, for the artist – your rehearsal, your performance. For the business people -your business.

In summary

In the burnt offering it’s all that I am poured out to the Lord.

In the grain offering, it’s all that I do pour out to and for the Lord.

Colossians 3: 17 whatever you do whether in word or deed…do it in the name of the Lord

22, slaves obey your earthly masters… with sincerity of heart…reference to the Lord

23And whatever you do, work heartily as for the Lord, as working for the Lord and not for men.

Your boss is the Lord himself

24 Lord will reward you …because You are serving the Lord Christ.

25 if you do it wrongly punishment is also sure, 

...That’s the picture of the grain offering

And that should transform what you and I call work. We are doing it for the Lord.

This means that our vocations carriers or business are avenues of serving God.

It is an opportunity to show and witness God working in and through us to the outside world.

What you do for a living is sacred and thus a ministry and it must glorify God. It also means there means of livelihood that are not appropriate for a believer like pubs, wines and spirits or under deals and corruptions.

Any livelihoods that contravene the word of God or the principles of the word of God directly or indirectly is detestable to Him and hence the income from it.

In verse18 to 21 God addresses relationships as a way of serving to leave no room for career sponsors, slay queens or prostitutes which has become a wicked means of livelihood. Neither these careers, business nor offers from them are acceptable before the Lord. 

Deuteronomy 23:18- Earnings of prostitute male or female is prohibited in the house of the Lord.

If what you do does not glorify God, even what comes out of it cannot glorify God. If what you do is not acceptable before God even its income is detestable before God. 

Even in our leisure, we should glorify God

1 Corinthians 10:31 so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it for the glory of God. 

Our vocation or our leisure should glorify God and it should draw us or men around us to God. Our vocation must be holy because it is worship and dedicated to God
