Vows- July 18, 2021

By Pastor. Alex Titus

Associate Pastor, Fedha Church KAG                                  


Ecclesiastes 5:1-7

-Vow is a sacrifice [which means giving beyond your capability].

-The bile talks about vows and the spiritual impact that a vow has on our life.

 -A vow can serve to bless and it can serve to curse and it can also bind or lose your spiritual ream.

-There are those that have pronounced vows over their lives in a time of anger, that the enemy has used to keep you bound in certain areas and many do not realize why they have not been able to move forward.

-Some of us are facing things in our lives that are continuously ending up in a dead end.

*Not being able to progress and not realizing can be traced back to a spoken vow.

Three areas where vows are entered into or made

A. In your personal life

-this can affect, personal accomplishments, achievements, emotionally, mentally etc.

B. In marriage relationships

-These are your marriage vows made on the altar or in presence of a witness.

C. Promises made to God 

In times of desperation or when you want something badly whether you thought it through or not.

 Ecclesiastes 5:1-7

1] Be careful when you go to the temple

-keep your foot when you go to the house of God and be more ready to hear than to give the sacrifices of fools for they do not know that they do evil.

Judges 11:29-40

-Reason to be careful so that we may not do what evil people do. They make vows that they do not meet.

-Jephthah was not careful when the spirit of God came upon him that’s why he made this promise.   
