Prayer (Part 1 and 2), May 9, 2021


By Pastor. Elijah Mutiso

Associate Pastor, Fedha Church KAG


  • This is the flow of communication between man and his maker, any relationship is based on Communication, its breakdown proves that the relationship has failed

The strength of a relationship determines the intensity, buoyancy, power, strength of your prayer life. Prayer happens because there is a relationship.

Every great man in the Bible had a prayer based relationship with God.

Gen 19:27 Abraham used to wake up early and had a place to speak to God. He had a relationship with the heavens in good times and bad times.

  • It is the platform of worship, appreciation, adoration, to the almighty God, if you have not thanked well you have not prayed well

If your thanking is not in place your asking is misplaced.

  • Is partnering with God to enforce his rulership, dominion of God on earth. It's at the place of prayer that u enforce Gods charge on your environment.

Prayer makes a man jealous on behalf of God e.g. Elijah and Baal prophets

Partnering with God to enforce his plan and his purpose. It's the place where human and divinity partner for heavenly enforcement of a specific plan.

Where humanity enforces the divinity into being, spiritual things don't happen they are enforced into being, matt 11;12, Jacob is blessed but he is struggling with a curse, its at the place of prayer that we address any other power that seems to be in charge in your life and you enforce the power of heaven.

There is always a barrier between the promisee and the promise.,and giants to fall down for you to get and settle in the promise. Caleb refused to settle for less.

Prayer is laying hold of God for the manifestation of his almightiness, Hosea 6:3, It's when u stay aside and let God. Lets the agenda of God manifest and show himself e.g. Elijah, if I be a man of God.

Importance of Prayer

Prayer increases the spiritual intensity Acts 1:14 

A prayerful man is a powerful man

Prayer facilitates spiritual sensitivity /awareness /sharpness of the spirit Heb 2:1, Acts 13:2.

Prayed sharpens your discernment that you don't run into accidents avoid business deals that will crumble that's why it is wise to pray before anything you do.

Prov 16:3 commit to the Lord whatever you do and he will establish your plans.

Prayer changes lives and destinies Gen 32:9 -

Jacob prayed before meeting Esau, God sent an angel who changed his life. Every prayerful man is a man of honour.

1 Chronicles 4:9- Jabez prayed a small but a lifetime prayer that transformed his life. (Dan's testimony)

Samuel grew up in the house of prayer and he knew nothing but the presence of God since childhood. His life and calling were crowned with honour 1 Sam 9:6. 16:4.

Queen Esther today is a legacy that every lady wants to identify with but her honour came from the place of prayer.

Daniel commanded honour by his life of prayer. He became so important that he served 3 kings in a row

Prayer opens heavens- Luke 3:21

When heavens open up for you, doors open up for you, people open up for you and definitely, your life attracts divine favour.

Prayer facilitates the flow of oil of authority in your life.

Oil gives authority to command things around your life e.g. Elijah locked heavens not to rains for three years and walked with the keys around.

God doesn't desire for his people to pray religiously but pray resultfully.

 Isaiah 45:19 NLT.

Secrets of praying successfully

Pray with word revelation.

Pray with persistence

Pray in accordance with the will of God. i.e no one prays for 2nd wife, alcohol business. 


Word Revelation

His word is the basis of all prayer, if He didn't give word he wouldn't ask us to pray

Ps 138:2, Jer 33:3

He doesn't play with his words, he has no capacity to talk carelessly.

Luke 5:5 He told to go and cast his net in the deep, if there was no fish they had to be there to fulfil his word.

If he has magnified his word then his word is heavier than the word of a herbalist, medical doc, village witch doctor and negative words.

He is bound by his word: He is changeless.

Heb 6;18.

Ps 89:34-35. He has sworn by His holiness He wouldn't lie to...

Num 23:19 He's, not a man to lie.

1sam 15;29 He doesn't change his mind.

Jer 1:12 He hastens his word to perform.

When u go before the Lord take with you words (Hosea 14:2) bring strong arguments, 

The revelation of the word is important because

  •  They remind God of his word (Isa 43:26)  if you have seen it in the word remind me. Tell me the reason why you should be in what you are into.
  • It's the food for faith Rom10:11 heb 11;6 when you filled with the word you ready for a reverse to the devil what belongs to him. Many ppl are praying from the ground of weakness bcz the word of God they are standing on is bankrupt.


It is the power to stay.

Luke 18:1,7 Amp 

1 Sam 1:12 It was the strength of Hanna.

Luk 6:12 Jesus prayed all night for major ministerial decisions. He prayed for His disciples all night and still Judas was found, what if he didn't pray?

Persistence is proof of faith, not giving up, giving in, giving way (Heb 6:12. Rom 4:20)

Seven things killing your prayer life

1. Excessive eating

Eating more than necessary at night will only weaken your body.

2. Sleep

You must train your body to sleep less and stay awake. Sleep drain your strength to pray. The truth is, some sleep is an attack.

3. Filthiness of the spirit and soul

Pornography, sex chat and impure thoughts are killers of prayer stamina. Your inner man will always be defeated by feeding your spirit man with filthy and erotic content.

4. Bad atmosphere

The atmosphere you're and find yourself in matters a lot. If you're among prayer weaklings, gossip and carnal believers, your prayer fire will die. Gossip and backbite will frustrate you. Jam 1:14

5. Poor feeding of your inner man.

If your spirit man isn't well fed you can't be a prayer champion. You don't listen to sermons, you hardly study the Word or Christian articles then your prayer life will be starved to death.

6. Worry

No worrier becomes a prayer warrior. Kill your worry to give life to your prayer stamina.

7. Distraction through watching TV, addiction to social media and boyfriend or girlfriend syndrome.

You don't get what you ask because you ask wrong.

When you pray who do you address?

The answer of our prayer is determined by the presence you were in while in prayer, most of us pray out of God's presence and thus our prayers are never answered

Rising Early

Most Relevant Verses

Psalm 119:147

Verse concepts

I rise before dawn and cry for help;

I wait for Your words

Mark 1:35

Verse concepts

In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there

Psalm 5:3

Verse concepts

In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice;

In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch.
