By Rev. Michael Mwangi
Senior Pastor, Fedha Church KAG
What is Fasting?
It is the voluntary reduction or abstinence of your food intake for a specific time and purpose.
In our case, our purpose is to focus on our relationship with God
- In the bible, fasting always goes together with prayers
- It also extends to abstaining from our great delights like sex, hobbies, and leisure to focus on God(1 Corinthians 7:5)
Jesus Fasted
Luke 4:2
Jesus fasted for forty wilderness days and nights and he was tested by the Devil. He ate nothing during those days, and when the time was up he was hungry."
He expects us to fast and fast the right way
Matthew 6:16-18
[16]“When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.
[17]But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face,
- Do not publicize your fast; it is personal with your God. Fasting is practiced as taught in the bible.
- In the Bible, God's people fasted before a major victory, miracle, or answer to prayer happened. It prepared them for a blessing!
- Moses fasted for 40 days before he received the Ten Commandments. Exodus 34:28
- Jehoshaphat and the Israelites fasted before a miraculous victory. 2 Chronicles 20:2-3
- Daniel fasted in order to receive guidance from God Daniel 9:3, Daniel 9:21-22
- Nehemiah fasted before beginning a major building project. Nehemiah 1:4
- Jesus fasted during His victory over temptation. Luke 4:2
- The first Christians fasted during-decision making times. Acts 13:2-3
Why Fast?
Fasting has many benefits but with prayers, it has great spiritual benefits
1. Fasting gives you more time for prayer. It enables you to focus intensely on prayers.
- You get the time you'd normally spend eating and or for self-pleasure in prayer to seek what God's will for you this season or in 2021 Acts 13:2-3
2. Fasting demonstrates your deep commitment and desire for God to meet you.
- It shows you are serious about your prayer request enough to pay a price for it.
- It is a way of humbling ourselves and showing our full dependence on Him. God honors a deep desire and praying in faith.
Psalm 35:13: [13] yet when they were ill, I put on sackcloth and humbled myself with fasting. When my prayers returned to me unanswered.
3. Fasting releases God's supernatural power
It breaks devil's opposition against God's will.
- Satan wants to impose discouragement, defeat, depression, and doubt in our lives.
- Prayer and fasting can deal a decisive blow to the enemy and break strongholds and usher breakthroughs.
- There are levels and barriers we cannot rise above unless we pray and fast to overcome the bondages and limitations of the enemy.
Matthew 17:21: such do not go except by prayer and fasting
Types of Fasting
There are many types of fasts, and depending on the duration of your fast, preference and health [like during this covid season we need to maintain our immunity high]
- Dry fast no food no liquids (3 days at most)
- A Water Fast - means to abstain from all food and juices (from 6 to 6)
- A "Juice" Fast - means to drink only fruit or vegetable juices during meal times so you can remain safe and healthy during your fast.
- A Partial Fast (Daniel fast). Abstain from certain foods or specific meals. You can replace the usual rich meal with fruits and vegetables
- Supplementary fast. Abstain from pleasure, leisure, sex, favorite programs, and hobbies usually done on top of the other in order to offer our best and ensure no distraction or diversion during fasting.
- The juice is only taken in limited quantities just to sustain the body
- Milk and porridge are considered pure food- They are rich in proteins and should be avoided. They will restart the digestion cycle and you will again feel hunger pangs.
- Also, for health reasons stay away from caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, or cola. Because caffeine is a stimulant, it has a more powerful effect on your nervous system
- When you abstain from food, water is very much recommended.
- Limit your physical activity. Exercise only moderately, and rest as much as your schedule will allow
Important to note
- Fasting is not so much about food as it is about focus.
- Fasting is not so much about saying no to the body as it is about saying yes to the Spirit.
- Fasting is not about doing without, it is about looking within.
- Fasting is an outward response to an inward attitude and cry of the soul
Preparing yourself for fast
- A fruitful and meaningful fast requires focus and commitment. You need to set a special time each day with God to attain intimate communion with the Father.
- You must devote yourself to seeking God's face, even (and especially) during those times in which you feel weak, vulnerable, or irritable.
- Read and meditate on His Word and prays during what were mealtimes.
- Meditate on Him when you awake in the night.
- Choose a book from the bible to read through and let him speak to you during this fast
- Sing praises to him and be in the worship mode. Focus on your Heavenly Father and make every act to be worship.
- Pray without ceasing" as you seek His presence.
- Remember also Satan will do everything he can to pull you away from your prayer and Bible reading time. When you feel the enemy trying to discourage you, immediately go to God in prayer and ask for strength to overcome difficulties and temptations.
- Do not give the devil a loophole Satan does not want you to grow in your faith and will do anything from making you hungry and irritated to bringing up trouble in your family or at work to stop you. Make prayer your shield against such attacks.
- Do not become so caught up in praying for yourself and others that you forget about simply reverencing and praising God. True spiritual fasting focuses on God. Center your total being on Him, your attitudes, actions, motives, desires, and words.
- This can only take place if God and His Holy Spirit are at the center of your attention.
- Confess your sins as the Holy Spirit brings them to your attention and continue to focus on God and God alone so that your prayers may be powerful and effective.
- A renewed closeness with God and a greater sensitivity to spiritual things are usually the results of a fast.
- Fasting should bring a feeling of nearness to God that you have not experienced before your motive in fasting must be to glorify God, not to have an emotional experience, and not to attain personal happiness. When your motives are right, God will honor your seeking heart and bless your time with Him in a very special way.
Two Cautions
1. Remember fasting is not a way of getting God to do our will but it gets us into his will
2. If you have real health issues fast in a way that does not compromise your health. If you are able to do only a partial fast - do it in faith and God will honor your intentions.
Prayer and fasting is spiritual warfare and requires grace, pray for more grace every day.
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