Training Your Child

Rev. Michael Mwangi,
Senior Pastor, Fedha Church KAG

Training entails discipline (correction;rod) and instructions(what to do and not to do)
We need to follow God’s Word and His plan for raising a godly family and instilling proper character in your children. A child who never receives discipline at home will have a hard time understanding and accepting their need of salvation. Wherever such children go they find it hard to cope with discipline and complain that situation is harsh outside there (school).

It is your personal responsibility
God has given you the responsibility to raise your child. That responsibility does not belong to your child’s school — not even your church. It is your responsibility from God; therefore you should take the role of leader and authority with confidence knowing that it is God-ordained that you do so. Do it proactively. Don't assume somebody will do it.

Deuteronomy 11:18-20. Lead by example. The best gift you can ever give to your children is good example.

Start Early
You must start early with discipline. Waiting until your child is 14 is too late. Habits will have been formed long before then. Babies can quickly become great manipulators of their parents. The way you respond to your child’s manipulation as a baby sets the tone for the rest of your life together. If you wait until your child is 5 years old to start instilling discipline in them, then you have waited too long. Your children need to learn to obey as soon as possible. They need to show a proper attitude in obedience as well. Ephesians 6:1, 2 says that children should obey and honor their parents. It is one thing to obey (do what they are told), but they also need to do it with honor. This is something they need to be taught early.

Realize Each Child is Unique
Every child responds to discipline in different ways. Children are very different in personality and in the way they respond to correction. Some are tender and thoughtful. you only have to speak once and it is done. Others are forgetful to the point of forgetting that discipline hurts and you have to remind them so. Don't expect your children to respond the same way to correction; whether it is discipline by spanking or positive reinforcement. Realize they are different and correct them in a way that is appropriate to them. Either way they still need discipline, but find and use the most effective method for every child.

Be Consistent
The Bible says not to frustrate or provoke your children to wrath (Ephesians 6:4). This is done when a child has no idea what is expected of him. Most of us have been in situations at work or school when we are unsure what is expected of us. It is frustrating when the boss allows one behavior one day, but then says you will be disciplined the next day for the same actions. The lack of consistency is frustrating.

Maintain consistency
Children should know what is expected of them. They should know that mom and dad will behave the same way each time a punishable offense is done. Don’t frustrate (or provoke your children to wrath) by being inconsistent.

Apply the Rod of CorrectionThere are times when spanking is needed and appropriate, contrary to what psychologist are teaching now. However, I will also concede that sometimes spanking is not appropriate. You should not spank your child when you are angry. You should spank them because it is right and necessary. If you cannot control yourself and spank appropriately then you need to ask the Lord to help you work your discipline. You may end up hurting and destroying the child. spank to correct not to punish. Don't be brutal. The Bible talks about using a rod which could also be a belt, wooden spoon or other appropriate paddle. I recommended that you use something other than your hand. Your children should think of their parents’ hands as something that is used for love and tenderness.

These Bible verses shows what God says about physical discipline: Proverbs 13:24, Proverbs 23:13, 14; Proverbs 29:15; Proverbs 22:15 Hebrews 12:11
