Raising Successful Families

By Rev. Michael Mwangi
Senior Pastor, Fedha Church KAG

Gen 12
Raising successful families
Being successful means the achievement of desired visions and planned goals.
Success is accomplishments that yields fulfillment.
A reward of attaining a given goal of life
  2 Timothy 4:7-8  I have fought a good faith in have run a good race I have kept the faith
Success is attained because it is planned  and achieved. It is measurable
It means it has direction and stages
Success is based on a vision.
Every family needs to have a vision
The big picture of where you want to get. Parents are the leaders whose mission is to achieve that vision.
They live with a purpose of fulfilling that vision. All the resources and priorities are directed towards the vision.
Abraham had  vision of leading his family to the promise land.
Noah had a vision of saving his family.
Every family should have a vision.
Habakkuk 2:2 write down the vision make it plain (clear)
What legacy do you want for your family
Your status Marital, financial or background Should never be a reason not to have a family vision. Anyone can dream no matter where you are. A vision does not require resources but insight.
Achieving it how ever requires resources and commitments.
A vision requires planning and plans requires implementation.
This means you need to have goals(what to do). Short term and longterm. (Kis)
     Clearly defined goals
     With defined time frame
To attain goals you need strategy(how to)
Always share the vision with the people involved. Make it clear and simple that everyone sees his or her place in it.
Habakkuk 2:2 write it down that a herald may run with it.
If vision is not clear people resist but if it clear they run with it and gladly participate.
Children should know this is what is important in this family.
It is important to commit the vision to God.
Prov 16:3
Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed
Vision without God is bound to fail.
Without a vision money becomes the end but money should  be a means to an end.
Without a vision disappointment are bound to come. It is like running aimlessly. You cannot tell where you are or celebrate any mileage.
