Power of an Edified Mind (I am African but I have the mind of Christ)- Part I

By Pastor Elijah Mutiso,
Associate Pastor, Fedha Church, K.A.G

Knowledge is a familiarity, awareness, or understanding of someone or something, such as facts, information, descriptions, or skills, which is acquired through experience or education by perceiving, discovering, or learning. Knowledge can refer to a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.
Knowledge is commentary of what you don't know.
Stupidity is ignorance of what you know but you don't do it.
Hosea 4;6 - My people perish because of lack of knowledge. Ignorance is not defense
The reason Paul had more impact and conquered the whole Asia despite coming after Peter is his level of knowledge was not limited.Peter was anointed but ignorant Acts 4;13 but Paul mentors me because he was anointed and knowledgeable( a scholar) wrote a third of a bible.
The problem with African isn't lack of resources or wisdom (we supply almost 60% of the world with raw materials ) but we are the last in progress, development, corruption Because we lack understanding).. I.e Acts 8. Ethiopian eunuch read but didn't understand,his problem wasn't illiteracy but lack of understanding
Zambian govt sold copper mines to a private company for 25 mill $ ,in a yr the company sold 75$ profits and paid govt in installments. They understood how things work,market operates and value of the product while outside the mines family are in deep poverty filling churches and praising God. Revenue isn't in the business or supply of product but in the knowledge of how the market place works. Prayer isn't in success equation but in revelation equation then the revelation gives you factors for the success equation. You can be Holy Ghost filled but still ignorant but as for me and my house we will get understanding.
Israel was a nation born the other day by mobilization of Jews from across the continents after Nazi war,being born in a desert it did not limit its self to grow today its is a major threat to worlds superpowers. They are biggest exporters of fruits and groceries but they began by importing red soil
(A village in Zimbabwe digging diamonds on the ground and sell them at a price of coke soda.) We have been told not to be given fish but be taught how fish but we say don't teach me but show me how to manage my own pond because if I become an expert fisherman the pond owner will expel me the next morning.

Pro 19.2. Zeal without knowledge

Prov.15.14 - The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge, But the mouth of fools feeds on foolishness.Solomon did not pray for Wisdom but prayed for Understanding,
Book of two centuries of USA brings out two powerful president,George  Washington and Abraham Lincoln,they had  four years of formal education but they build themselves into level of wisdom and knowledge that america had no choice but to make them presidents.
Abraham Lincoln is the most quoted president if U.S, yet he learnt himself through books from libraries by savings of his first casual job
"I will prepare,i will study and my opportunity will come" Abraham Lincoln.
Grow yourself.. Bob Collymore had no papers yet the man left the elite taking note,his impact was global.
What you read determines where you are heading to, the rich are always busy with books and developing themselves i.e airports in abroad whites buy books Africans arm themselves with burgers. The difference between uptown and downtown is what they read. In uptown conversations,traffic,order,dress codes,offices,restaurants and even books are different from down town.(poster of view of life)
Knowledge is acquired not impacted.Paul tells timothy to be knowledgeable.
Never be smart outside when your head is empty. Never wow people when you appear but same people boo you when you open your mouth.There are people who speak and you look for a pen to note others speak and you get busy. Empty minds are most talkative. (Poster)
Prov.15.28 - The heart of the righteous studies how to answer, But the mouth of the wicked pours forth evil.
Prov.18.15 - The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge, And the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
Prov.16.23 - The heart of the wise teaches his mouth, And adds learning to his lips.
Prov.17.27 - He who has knowledge spares his words, And a man of understanding is of a calm spirit.
Prov.17.28 - Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; When he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive.
Prov.18.2 - A fool has no delight in understanding, But in expressing his own heart.

The only way to silence people who intimidate,manipulate,undermine you is to prove you are knowledgeable.

We have a generation that in struggling with academics but busy with phones because that is what they have found us doing,they emulate more than listen. Build a reading culture. (Posters)
Information determines level of liberty.
Mordecai's miracle was not Esther before it was in the knowledge of the vacancy to be a queen.
