Rev. Michael Mwangi.
Senior Pastor, Fedha Church KAG
As a man, you ought to see your wife as a gift and love her. If you have ever been given a gift then you understand that it’s supposed to be treasured and valued. 1 Peter 4:8- “Above all things you need to have fervent love for one another since love will always cover a multitude of sins”.
Key things about love that you should know
• When you love someone you need to overlook her small weaknesses and negativities.
• Loving isn’t what you exercise as a pleasure but a divine command, By loving your wife you are not doing them any favor but just giving them their rights according to God’s command.
• You need to love your wife unconditionally just as Christ loved the church even when it was full of filthiness.
• Your wife should never struggle to get love from you.
• Just as your wife is supposed to submit to you so you should ensure you love her. The only option/responsibility that you have in marriage is to love your wife as a priority and not a project.
• Loving your wife is the greatest God-given duty, it can’t be substituted nor aborted. No husband should neglect the wife to take care of other business
• You cannot claim to love God if you don’t love your wife.
Parameters of a husband’s love
This basically refers to Christ kind of love. As Christ died for the church so should a man’s love. As a man, you need to make the kind of sacrifices that Christ made for the church. This means that your wife should be your main business. 1 Corinthians 7:33- “But he who is married cares about the things of the world how he may please his wife”. Always giving This includes 3 Ps that you ought to give your wife; Presence, Providence, Protection.
1. Presence
Men mistake women’s needs by thinking that money is the solution to everything. The most important thing that you can ever give your wife is your presence.
2. Protection
Since women want to be assured of their safety and security, you must always provide them with the protection that they need.
3. Providence
Since she is your wife you must ensure that all her needs are provided for.
Senior Pastor, Fedha Church KAG
The wisdom of every man is seen in the choice of a woman he gets to spend the rest of his life. As a man, you must know that life offers you a whole grocery store for you to shop for the best fruit. If you decide to pick apples, pineapples, strawberries or even hot chilies it’s entirely up to you. 1 Peter.3.7 – “Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered”. You may be asking yourself why. Because the LORD has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth, with whom you have dealt treacherously, yet she is your companion and your wife by covenant.
As a man, you ought to see your wife as a gift and love her. If you have ever been given a gift then you understand that it’s supposed to be treasured and valued. 1 Peter 4:8- “Above all things you need to have fervent love for one another since love will always cover a multitude of sins”.
Key things about love that you should know
• When you love someone you need to overlook her small weaknesses and negativities.
• Loving isn’t what you exercise as a pleasure but a divine command, By loving your wife you are not doing them any favor but just giving them their rights according to God’s command.
• You need to love your wife unconditionally just as Christ loved the church even when it was full of filthiness.
• Your wife should never struggle to get love from you.
• Just as your wife is supposed to submit to you so you should ensure you love her. The only option/responsibility that you have in marriage is to love your wife as a priority and not a project.
• Loving your wife is the greatest God-given duty, it can’t be substituted nor aborted. No husband should neglect the wife to take care of other business
• You cannot claim to love God if you don’t love your wife.
Parameters of a husband’s love
This basically refers to Christ kind of love. As Christ died for the church so should a man’s love. As a man, you need to make the kind of sacrifices that Christ made for the church. This means that your wife should be your main business. 1 Corinthians 7:33- “But he who is married cares about the things of the world how he may please his wife”. Always giving This includes 3 Ps that you ought to give your wife; Presence, Providence, Protection.
1. Presence
Men mistake women’s needs by thinking that money is the solution to everything. The most important thing that you can ever give your wife is your presence.
2. Protection
Since women want to be assured of their safety and security, you must always provide them with the protection that they need.
3. Providence
Since she is your wife you must ensure that all her needs are provided for.
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